Offering Personalized Cross-Cultural Services For Individuals And Businesses Across The Globe
FrenchLink Consulting Services International is managed and run by bilingual and bicultural individuals dedicated to improving cross-cultural communication and understanding in today’s society. Our experience and credentials, both in the professional and personal sectors, give us a strong background for assisting and supporting our customers and the various issues, situations and problems that they may be facing in foreign environments.
FrenchLink Consulting Services International handles a wide variety of business needs pertaining to Franco-American relations and situations. We have extensive experience in cross-cultural consulting, translations and proofreading, immigration documentation in addition to French and English pronunciation and language classes.
Our wide client base includes:
- Local and international businesses
- Employees needing language and cultural skills for their jobs
- Expatriates arriving from or departing to French- or English-speaking regions of the world.
- Schools and educational institutions
- Writers looking to translate literary works
We are qualified to help with every aspect of French-English written and spoken relationships, whether they be professional, personal or both. Our team listens to your needs and provides individual, personalized services for each unique situation.
Cross-Cultural Training
Experts in the subject matter, these training sessions are led by FrenchLink Consulting Services International’s experienced consultants who have lived and worked abroad. We have experienced the paperwork, frustration, roadblocks and other obstacles that make adapting to a new country, culture, and language a challenge. Well-versed in the procedural red tape on both sides of the ocean, let us help you make the transition easier and hassle-free. Both practical (day-to-day living) and professional (working in a foreign environment) conferences are available.
Proofreading And Translations
English-to-French or French-to-English are available for:
- Web Pages
- Business Presentations and Webinars
- Computer Screen Navigation Buttons and Icons
- Certified Immigration Paperwork (Birth, Marriage and Death Certificates, etc.)
- Divorce Decrees
- Wills and Trusts
- Manuals and Brochures
- Real Estate Transactions
- College and Medical Transcripts
- Literary Works
A price quotation and lead time will be provided for each inquiry.

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